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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Sociopathic Movement That Is The American Society

December 14, 2011 at 13:02:21

The Sociopathic Movement That Is Poisoning The American Society

By (about the author)

Poisonous by poisonbilliards.com

This American society is comprised of individuals with widely divergent thoughts and opinions about the issues facing this nation; but there are two groups, in particular, that stand out because they are so diametrically opposed in their thinking. On the one hand there are those people who care deeply about their country, about justice, fairness and equity for all people, and are sincerely concerned about the welfare of others less fortunate than themselves. On the other there are those that, by all indications, have none of those concerns but use manipulation, control and suppression of others to achieve power and personal gain.

This latter element is comprised of individuals who, in psychological terms, are referred to as sociopaths; those who have a difficult time relating to and interacting with others, who lack a social conscience, have a distorted sense of morality and associated values, are adept at lying and manipulation, lack empathy, are remorseless, merciless and have an egocentric, "me" complex.

This is the Sociopathic Movement; the darker side of America that, while it has always been present in this society, in recent times it has been growing at an alarming rate. Those in the Occupy Movement might say that the 1% of Americans who control the wealth of America and have no intention of sharing any part of it with others represents the majority of this movement; that may be a harsh indictment but, then again, it may be largely justifiable by observed behavior and actions.

If we're looking for the best real life examples of this movement we need look no further than the U.S. Congress. We might call this the hotbed, the center of this movement, a perfect illustration of sociopathic behavior. Congress is where "self" is paramount and the needs and interests of the vast majority of Americans have become irrelevant. Not only is this a place where nothing of substance gets done to solve this nation's problems, it is also where these political misfits, primarily the Republican brand, are hard at work promoting the interests of Wall Street and Corporate America.

While not published and distributed in writing, this sociopathic movement has very clear objectives; at the top of its list is the objective to take complete control of this society and how it functions. Now that's a tall order to say the least so, if that is their intent, then how in the world could they go about achieving it? Simple; since the government is the vehicle by which the needs of the people and the problems of the nation must be addressed, their aim is to create gridlock, havoc and render the political process dysfunctional. And by the evidence at hand, their plan is working quite well.

Does anyone think that these supposed representatives of the people and this democracy spend sleepless nights agonizing over the plight of their fellow Americans, the anguish of those who cannot find jobs or have given up on the prospects of ever finding one? No, of course not, because they are concerned only about "numero uno", aka themselves, and how they can secure more and bigger campaign contributions from their corporate masters.

For those who feel that calling this breed of politicians sociopaths is unfair and unjustifiable, consider this: these are the people who are fully aware that up to 25 million of Americans remain unemployed, underemployed or have given up on trying to find jobs. The fabricated government unemployment rate of 8.6% is, in reality, 18%.

So what do these sociopaths do to help these Americans in their time of great need? Do they burn the midnight oil to come up with legislation to create a government/business climate that would create good jobs? Are they trying to find ways to reinvigorate America's dying manufacturing sector? Are they enacting laws that would help those threatened with home foreclosure -- using the same procedures as they did with the bank bailouts? They clearly see what is happening in America and it bothers them not.

No, they are doing none of these things. They have made it very clear that they have no sympathy, empathy and no feelings for the suffering of many of those who elected them. Thoughts of job creation never enter their minds. In fact, as bizarre as it may seem, they are brazenly blocking every attempt at government assistance of any kind to people in need. That could not be more clear than their refusal to extend the payroll tax cuts and the unemployment benefits. What kind of human beings behave in this manner?

But let's not think that just because Republicans are members of this dark movement, that Democrats are entirely innocent, because they're not. Too often, especially in the Senate, a certain group of Democrats have exhibited their sociopathic tendencies and have sided with the GOP obstructionists to disregard the wishes and interests of the people.

A great danger lies in the fact that we the people still do not comprehend the breadth and depth of their plan to take control of this society. These political slaves of Corporate America are entirely comfortable allowing 1% of Americans to control the wealth of this nation. They view those "other" Americans who are not a part of their social strata as mere pawns to be used and manipulated. Justice and equality are not a part of their philosophy; the great disparity of wealth and income within America is something that they believe has been ordained and must be preserved.

This Sociopathic Movement, headquartered in the U.S. Congress and fueled by the money and power of corporations and their many thousands of lobbyists, has branches all over this nation; these branches are located in those states that are controlled by Republican governors and legislatures. We've seen the governors of Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan go after teachers, public sector workers and unions with a vengeance while, at the same time, they brazenly reduce corporate taxes.

But their worst crime against this democracy and its people can be found in what they are doing to limit or eliminate the voting rights of the American people. Nothing could be more undemocratic and un-American than this sinister plan designed to destroy voting rights. And yet, that is exactly what is happening in many states as Republican controlled legislatures are enacting measures that would only allow voters with specific identification, primarily drivers' licenses, to cast their ballots. These agents of voter suppression are well aware that millions of voting age Americans do not have drivers' licenses.

The GOP presidential candidates; with the possible exception of John Huntsman and Ron Paul, this is the worst assemblage of politicians that America may ever have seen; a collection of people who have no regard for those they consider "lower class" Americans; their ignorance and misinterpretation of American history is astounding. They have no understanding of diplomacy or foreign policy. We should all be praying with all our might that none of them ever becomes president because America would never recover from such a deadly blow.

In this same vein what about those many giant, heartless transnational corporations who have ruthlessly and mercilessly laid off many millions of workers and show no remorse for shipping their jobs to workers in China and other overseas nations? Can corporations actually be called sociopathic? Yes, of course they can, since the Supreme Court ruled that they have the right of free speech under the Constitution, then they must be people. Not only had that, but Mitt Romney, the noted Constitutional scholar, also stated that they were people.

This Sociopathic Movement is currently winning the battle since they have most of the weaponry, i.e., money, power, and influence. However the people are fighting back with a fury as evidenced by the growing power of the Occupy Movement across America. And in the coming November, 2012 elections the American people will have the opportunity to put an electoral dagger into the belly of the beast.

Michael Payne

Michael Payne is an independent progressive activist who writes articles about social, economic and political matters as well as American foreign policy. He is a U.S. Army veteran. His major goal is to convince Americans that our perpetual wars must (more...)

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